Retirement of the JPEG viewer (Simple web viewer)

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Retirement of the JPEG viewer (Simple web viewer)

Post by admin » Thu Oct 15, 2020 10:44 am

As of end of year 2020 (Dec. 31, 2020), OnePacs will be retiring the simple JPEG-based web viewer, in favor of the OnePacs WebViewer.

OnePacs recommends use of the OnePacs WebViewer for situations in which a zero-footprint, web-based viewer for OnePacs cases is needed. It offers significantly greater functionality than the Simple Web Viewer, and is FDA cleared for diagnostic use as well.

The OnePacs Web Viewer is not compatible with older/outdated web browsers. As a result, users of Internet explorer 10 or earlier, or other out of date web browsers, will need to update to a modern browser in order to use a web-based viewing solution with OnePacs.

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