OnePacs version 16.8 is being released

Release notes, system requirements, security alerts, etc.
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OnePacs version 16.8 is being released

Post by admin » Mon May 17, 2021 2:51 am

OnePacs version 16.8 is being released the week of May 17th.
The rollout will happen automatically and no user action is needed.

Features of this update include:

Cloud Report Generator:
-An option to store audio only, without voice recognition (such as for transcriptionist use), was added to the cloud report generator
-Compatibility of third party dictation products with the cloud report generator has been improved
-The prior studies list in the cloud report editor can be enlarged to display more studies
-GUI elements to rearrange findings were added to the cloud Report Generator advanced mode
-Image previews in the cloud report generator are now triggered by a mouse click rather than hoverover

API updates:
-Study update API requests can now be made by the combination of facility identifier and accession number
-There is now an API service to assign cases to specific user(s)

-Option to "Trust this device" has been added to 2-factor authentication
-Password length requirements are now configurable in security policies
-Report preview hover-overs can be disabled for facility users on a per-facility basis
-Facility users can no longer cancel (disregard) examinations for which the radiology group has already provided a read

-The legacy JPEG viewer has been retired and replaced with the Web Viewer
-The Web Viewer now has a DICOM identifier-suppressed (DICOM tag level de-identified) viewing mode
-Radiologist ID as been added to the list of report template tokens
-Assigned-to radiologist name and ID have been added to data export options
-Dismissibility of report text previews has been improved in the worklist view
-Numerous other enhancements and improvements throughout the app

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