OnePacs Desktop version 16 for Windows is being released

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OnePacs Desktop version 16 for Windows is being released

Post by admin » Sun May 23, 2021 3:57 am

The OnePacs Desktop DICOM viewer and study retriever package for Windows, version 16 will be released the week of May 24, 2021.

Features of this update include:

-An image fusion tool (such as for NM/CT/MR)
-Hounsfield unit measurements are now provided for "free" when using the ruler tool for CT studies (a OnePacs innovation)
-OnePacs worklist study status indicators are now present in the viewer
-Report preview icon has been added to the viewports for studies which have reports in OnePacs
-A "loading" hourglass indicator has been added to study viewer tabs as well as the right-click series list for studies still downloading
-For studies still downloading, the % downloaded will now show in the viewer tab
-Customizability of the color of the "unviewed images" indicator
-Default font size of the app has been increased (configurable)
-Additional on-screen indicators for zoom, pan, and other image modification statuses
-Improved performance with certain large DICOM instances
-Fixed an issue with the log4j package with windows which could lead to crashes or freezes
-Performance improvements for the study retriever
-Issue persisting the preference "Store study retriever's copy of studies locally for <time period>" across restarts of the retriever has been fixed
-Numerous other enhancements and improvements

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