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How to reload a study if deleted from Onepacs

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:28 pm
by hilario
How to reload a study if deleted from Onepacs?
Generally speaking we have the images because they are stored on optical disks on the facilities.
The point is We would like to reload them on OnePacs to be available again for a comparison for example.
I also know they may be till stored on the gateway depending on the storage variable (we can also have permanent configuration), and then we can reload it on the onepacs
I know we ca use the Permanent storage if we decide, and I understand also you can try to recover the images from your backups.
But the situation is the one I am telling you.

I have a study which is on the Resonance Facility and which is not more on ONEPAC because it has been deleted (for anyreason - policy, error or what else)
How can the technitian RELOAD on onepacs the study without mine or yours intervention? Is it possible?
If not, I will try to reload it from the gateway.


Re: How to reload a study if deleted from Onepacs

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:49 pm
by tom

Two ways they could do that would be either to re-send the study to the gateway from PACS or the modality, or some other DICOM device, if possible, or if they have the study on CD-ROM or some other media, they could upload the study directly through the web interface.

You'll need to give the user in question the privilege to "Upload studies through web interface" for the second method. A description of how to do this is here: ... _interface

Right now it involves making a ZIP file of the DICOM images. This is going to be made a lot easier, for now we assume they will be able to make a ZIP file of the DICOM.

Hope this works, let us know if you have other questions.

Re: How to reload a study if deleted from Onepacs

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:57 am
by hilario
This one works fine.
But in this case I solved the issue because images were till on the gateway, then I tried to reload it and it was OK.