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Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:09 pm
by hilario
I am trying to understand what is the box assigned meaning on the worklist.
I can't find an option to assign a study to something (doctor, folder or what else).
This could be the option I am looking to: Assign a study to a doctor for examplo.

As far I can find in your system there are 3 different doctors:
- Referring doctor: this came from the facility
- Ordering doctor: ??
- Radiologist/onepac user: the user with report privileges

For us it would be nice to be able to have a column where the radiologist be shown and where we can ASSIGN the value of this radiologist.


Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 9:09 am
by justin

The study us automatically assigned when the report editor is opened by a radiologist. You can also manually assign a study via the context menu (admin->change study status->lock for reporting). You can see who the study is assigned to by hovering over the status icon. Assigned user is not currently a column on the worklist but it could easily be added.




Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 1:50 pm
by hilario
OK Justin. I can see the assigned doctor puting the pointer over the report Icon.
I am also able to lock for reporting but only for the current user.
I would like to suggest these requests:
- Be able to shor A column with Assigned doctor (if we show user code it is shorter than full doctor name) on the worklist
- Be able to create a filter on the assigned doctor.
- Be able to assign (Lock for reporting) for another user than myself
- Be able to assign for another user (or myself) many studies at the same time.
Thank for your suggestions.


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:55 pm
by justin

Your second suggestion is already possible as you can filter by the assigning user via one of the three drop down boxes. The others seem like reasonable suggestions for your workflow. We will consider putting them in the next release. I will get back to you with specifics.




Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:12 am
by hilario
OK I have seen "assigning user" on the drop down list.
1- What operation has to do a user to become "assigning user" of a study?
2- I tried to include AssigningUser on a filter command and it say it is not valid. Does it have another name for filters?
3- When I get the Data Analisys, I see only studies COMPLETED are listed. It would be useful to get the option to select this or ASSIGNED or other status.

I want the dowload manager only download (precache) studies assigned to the login user. I don't want they donwload a lot of studies if they only have one assigned.

The procedure I am thinking is:
- an administrator copy to a folder the studies directed to a user
- The user go to his folder and read the studies (then become assigning user)
- Then he start download manager and download studies with AssigningUser like 'Doctor' and ReportStatus like 'Pending'
or something like this.
What do you think about this? What drawbacks do you see?


Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:41 am
by justin

1) The "Assigned to user" is the user that the study is assigned to. The term may have to be changed to something like "Assigned to user" if some of the changes you proposed are implemented.
2) You can create a filter like the following: assignedToUser = 'abc'
3) This is not currently an option but I will create a change request ticket and let you know if it is approved.

I think you workflow sounds ok given the current restrictions of the system. Once your proposal of being able to have an administrator who can assign studies to other users is implemented the workflow will be much easier. Basically, the admin would just have to click on the study and select assign to user and it would become visible to the user. That solution wouldn't include any folders. For now though, your solution should be adequate.




Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:19 am
by hilario
I am trying to build a filter for each user on the variable
assigningUsername = 'abc'
It doesn't work
I get
Filter is not valid.
When I check it.


Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:42 am
by justin

We changed the assigningUsername to assignedToUser in 7.9.1 in order to be more intuitive. Since previously you could only assign to your self the term assigning username made sense but now that you can assign to other users we thought assigned to user was easier to understand. As part of the upgrade our scripts should have changed any existing filters to use the new token. Please let me know if this is not the case.

The documentation was updated to reflect this: ... de#filters

