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Send error

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:25 am
by mindi2210
Receiving a C-STORE response of 0x110 and the description is a very vague “Processing Failure” when try to send images to OnePacs from one of our sites.

Re: Send error

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 4:48 am
by john (from OnePacs)

It is correct that is a very nonspecific error. It is also unclear whether that response is coming from your PACS or our gateway transmission computer. There are a lot of conditions that could lead to that error, such as running out of disk space, corrupted DICOM data, or a database being down. If the error is coming from the gateway and you have a support contract you could open a ticket and provide the logs in the ticket, and we could check if the error is coming from the gateway transmission computer or not. Regards
